Jhonen Vasquez

Texteingabe Zen
2004-12-20 @ 2:55 a.m.

Nny is in a state of euphoria over how easy it is to earn money as a pizza delivery driver.

Nny is in a state of regret over not getting a job when he turned sixteen so that he could have bought his own car with cash years ago.

Nny remained calm and rational during his driving incident tonight. It may hit him harder later. It has stirred some philosophical thoughts in his head.

Texteingabe Neun
2004-12-17 @ 3:23 a.m.

Nny is very depressed right now. It's coming out as rage. He may possibly blame other people for his problems. Deep down inside he knows it's his fault, and he hates himself for it. His car may get reposessed very soon. He needed $1,300 by 5 p.m. Pacific time. One of his "friends" had the money to lend him. That friend would rather see him lose his car than loan him the money. I'm sure he'll go into vivid detail in his dieary.

Texteingabe Acht
2004-12-15 @ 5:33 a.m.

Nny's day was full of ups and downs. He may have finished with a positive balance. His financial aid for spring semester has been turned in. His attempts at receiving financial aid from the Reserves were futile, but he now knows what he needs to do for next semester. (He is will probably say this a lot, but he is really starting to despise the Army, especially the Reserves.) Immediately after talking with the representative from the Reserves on the phone, his buddy Chris called to tell him he has been hired by Papa John's as a delivery driver. At that point he was at an even zero balance in his mind. Next he made a payment on his tuition which took the block off of his enrollment for spring classes. Nny then went to the library to enroll in classes. His schedule is approximately how he wanted it, but he's still waiting on one course. Every Effective Oral (go on, laugh, we all know you want to) Communications class on every campus except Wayne is full. He has emailed the instructor of the class he wants to enter about getting a waiver to enroll in an overbooked course. If he somehow can't get into the class, then he will have to find another class that fits his schedule times and credit hours as well as his psychology major (or now might be the time to pick up a class for a minor). From the library he went to play card games with Nick, Teresa, and her brother Rob until nearly five this morning.

Texteingabe Seiben
2004-12-12 @ 11:57 p.m.

Nny was getting peeved at the bigchurch xtian dating service popup ad on his computer so he was told to register for it. Turns out the jokes on him. There is no free membership for that site. To find "fellow xtians" one must pay money. Interesting note from the site, though. One of the denominations listed was Amish. Nny hopes you're smart enough to catch the irony.

Texteingabe Sechs
2004-12-12 @ 10:56 p.m.

Nny is perplexed by a dream he had last night. He dreamt of some girl's asshole brother bothering him. So Nny was forced into grabbing a long kitchen knife and a shorter one to defend himself. He got sick of being tauted by the guy so he locked himself in the bathroom for some solitude. Somehow a girl just walked into the bathroom which surprised Nny. He was just about to swing the knives on whomever it was. She saw this and just chuckled. Reassured him that the guy was just an asshole (or some other such reassurance). Then proceeded to fix her makeup. Mr. alarm clock ended this dream. Nny is perplexed because he thinks dreaming of stabbing people is psychotic.

Texteingabe F�nf
2004-12-11 @ 2:40 a.m.

Nny stayed up until six in the morning writting the rest of his research paper and its sources page. He had to wake up at eleven in the morning to go to campus to turn it in. Then he turned in his statistics homework. He tried to get his courses registered, but he needs to find his tax returns before he can do that.

After he left the campus, he drove over to his grandmother's house. He had a decent conversation with her for a few hours. He even brought up buying the house from her, and she is willing to go along with it. He intends to use his VA loan to buy it once he's started working. He can't start delivering pizza until the 22nd or so because his driver's license is from Alaska. She even wants to move out of the house if he can buy it. He is very shocked that they can get along so well after all those years of screaming at and arguing with each other.

Things are looking up for Nny. He's very skeptical right now. He's waiting for the rug to be swept out from under him. Although he knows that any bad events he's been subjected to turn into catalysts for good things, he can only appreciate his serendipity in retrospect. Being caught up in a moment makes it hard for him to disassociate from the events. Such has been the way of Nny. As each fortune smiles upon him, he can only wonder when his luck will run out. This also seems to be part of his obliviousness toward knowing what people think of him. It's far easier for him to assume he is unwanted than to grasp the idea that someone could actually love him. He despises himself so often because he feels unloved, and yet he cannot see love staring him in the face. Poor Nny. He's working on it though.

Texteingabe Vier
2004-12-09 @ 1:47 a.m.

Nny was in a rush to rendezvous with his friend last night because he wanted to wrap up a couple of Christmas presents for a friend at school and her sister. After doing so he backed up to hear that horrifying crunch then thud. He usually doesn't care much for Christmas, nor does he have the money to buy gifts. He was feeling the Christmas spirit and gave only items that were part of the vast clutter that is his room. No this wasn't a suicidal gesture. It's not like he gave away his...*looks around room...looks back at computer*...his computer. There really isn't anything truly valuable lying around up here. It's mostly a matter of pack ratting and over sentimentality. He was partially angry at himself for his stupidity in backing his car up so quickly, partially angry for the porch being painted black, and confused and angry about attempting to do something "good" only to be punished.

Today after giving those presents to the Sage and driving home, he assessed the damage to the mirror and made what repairs he could at the time. The mirror itself is in pieces and he hasn't found all of the pieces, but most of a mirror is better than no mirror. The mirror bracket broke off somewhat cleanly and can be repaired with epoxy. The motor portion of the power mirror is still functional; however, in slipping off the wires he broke off one of the wire's terminals. He is currently unable to locate his soldering iron or he would have remedied that problem already. Upon finding his soldering iron the rest should be a simple, methodical fix. It may not look the best due to a shattered mirror and gaps in the plastic casing, but it will be functional again.

P.s. The first person who comments on the broken mirror in regards to superstitions will be shot with a nail gun with one nail per character of their comment (to include the header block).

P.p.s. Yes, this is supposed to be a record from my perspective of Nny as his last flickering sparkle of a conscience. No, I wasn't threatening you, but I see inside his head and know that he is most irked over the mirror. It won't take much to set him off right now. Please proceed cautiously and heed my advice. Just resist your baser urges and leave him in peace. Nails hurt. I should know.

Texteingabe Drei
2004-12-09 @ 1:39 a.m.

Last night Nny was in a hurry backing out of his driveway and knocked the driver side mirror off of his car. He hit it on the black painted porch in his unlit driveway. Although he likes to wear black he does not drive a black car nor does he think that a porch should be painted black in an unlit driveway. Trying to refrain from destroying the mirror further, he gathered up the pieces that had fallen off, duct taped the mirror mount itself back onto the car door since it was still dangling by wires, and attempted to calmly drive to his rendezvous with his friend.

Texteingabe Zwei
2004-12-09 @ 1:07 a.m.

This should have been disclosed two nights ago.
Nny had arrived home very late that night to discover his mother was not home. He was actually worried that she may have gotten into a car accident or that she may have been injured at work. This is very uncharacteristic of him. He waited up anyway to see if she was just working late. It turns out that she was. Nny was very relieved. The next day he came home from school and there was a note from his mother that read she might work over late again that night which confirmed her whereabouts.

Texteingabe Ein
2004-12-05 @ 6:46 a.m.

How unlucky you are to have found this page.
How unlucky I am to have been taken from my petstore and raised lovingly only to have a nail stabbed through me pinning me to a wall.
I'm only here now to give voice to the declining conscience of that depraved individual who raised me so kindly, then killed me so brutally.
You're only here because you haven't stopped reading.
Oh, why haven't you stopped reading yet?
Do you hope it will get more interesting, is that it?
Be wary though. Mr. Eff and Doughboy could be here any moment. They don't care about this man.
They only serve their dark master.
They want this man to serve him as well.
He paints the wall with blood to keep it at bay.
He used to have a clear vision for the murder.
Now since he's found this house he does it to keep the wall wet with blood.
Are you still reading?!

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last five entries:
Nny is withdrawn - 2010-09-23
- - 2010-07-28
Constitution - 2010-07-24
- - 2010-07-11
And the truth will... - 2010-07-05


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-All Johnny the Homicidal Maniac ext are � and tm Jhonen Vasquez.