Jhonen Vasquez

2010-07-03 @ 5:44 a.m.

Nny's D&D game did go about as expected, although, perhaps, not as anticipated:

Nny had texted as to when he was to arrive, and was running late even for the time he was given, but was unaware of the unstated happy hour before then. Had he known that, he'd have left his place a lot sooner to join in the fun.

Regardless, by the time Nny finally made it there, had a burger and a beer, and started on his second beer, he seemed to acclimate to the party vibe, loosened up, and retrieved his gaming gear from the car. Printing out character sheets was a minor disaster as the printer gave up its last gasp of ink, but Kyle transcribed the pertinent info in pen for everyone to have something to go off of. Prior to the printing endeavor, Nikki tried to set the mood for the game with some '40's era music, as the Eberron campaign setting is film noir meets delving through ancient ruins in an old school action movie pace.

Character sheets finally settled into something useable, all gathered round to roll the dice to determine ability scores. Nny really shoulda had most of them, that is, every character except Jeff's half-orc, reroll their stats. Kyle had a +3 Strength modifier, but aside from that, Kyle, Nikki, and Heather's characters all had +0 or less to all their ability scores. Adding to that, class selection came down to what sounded like a good mix of Jeff's half-orc barbarian, Kyle's half-elf ranger, Nikki's elph druid, and Heather's gnome rogue. The half-orc had medium armor. Everyone else had light armor. So there was no true tank, and there wasn't a cleric either.

Nikki and Heather went for a walk, while Nny helped Kyle and Jeff finish up their own and their wives' characters, and shopped for all of the characters' adventuring gear, to include camping supplies, weapons, and armor. It's a long process, but if they have another gaming session, characters will be made in advance to just jump into playing.

Nny ran everyone individually, yet at the same time, through the solo adventure. Everyone killed their spiders right away except Heather's rogue. She needed to roll a 15 and kept rolling around a 4. After finally killing her spider, she identitfied the kobolds as such, went to talk to them, and ticked them off. They ended up killing her character by slinging rocks at her. Nikki's druid and Kyle's ranger managed to sweet talk the kobolds into finding big stinky's lair. Jeff's barbarian, not being diplomatic in the least, charged at the kobolds, killed the middle one, and caused the other two to flee. Heather's rogue mark II talked to the kobolds nicely and thus made it to fight big stinky.

In the battles versus big stinky, a troglodyte, the gals were lucky enough to save versus his stench attack, but the fellas were not. The fellas were able to slay him rather quickly, Heather's rogue even managed to mop him up rather quickly, but it took awhile for Nikki's druid to finally slay him.

After the solo adventuring debacle was completed, the gals bowed out, while Nny ran the fellas, who were also running their wives' characters, through their first adventure. Things went smoothly, and apparently got everyone's hopes up, for the first several scenes, until the half orc ran from a swarm of beetles and ran face to face into a pair of rats, big fucking rats. One of the two bit him, and dropped him to dying in one hit. The druid had fled the beetles as well and was also facing the rats, she fired at them, then retreated as far as she could. The rats chased her, and she climbed up onto the ledge where the rogue was still waiting. The ranger attempted to slip past the rats to aid the barbarian. They dropped him in one hit as well. Leaving him for dead, they scurried up the ledge to attack the gals. The ranger drank a healing potion, snuck past the rats, and made his way over to revive the barbarian with the barbarian's own potion. Meanwhile, the druid and the rogue attempted to kill the approaching rats, and were dropped in one hit by them. The barbarian and the ranger looked at each other and suggested fleeing for their lives. Instead they manned up and went to the ladies rescue. Finally those two rats were slain.

As they explored a bit further into the cavern, they found an abandoned temple. It had a fountain near the back containing three doses of healing potion. The group, only needing 100xp to level at this point, camped out in the temple. During first watch, a pair of rats, worth 75xp to each party member, arrived on the scene, and managed to decimate the entire party. Okay, maybe that's not fair. One was slain. The other finished up the remainder of the party. The rogue was the last one standing, but only because she was at the back firing her crossbow. She died in just one hit like everyone else facing these horrid rats.

In real life, prior to the ending of the session, Catie and her husband arrived. They slept in the girls' bedroom, while Jeff and Heather camped on the living room floor, and Nny racked out on the couch. Of course by the time Nny woke up around 130pm, everyone had vanished except Nikki and Kyle, and their girls were enroute back to home.

2010-06-30 @ 12:05 p.m.

[Nny's not very awake right now so the brain to keyboard synapses might not be firing properly.]

Yesterday, after having crawled onto cot around 6am, Nny managed to wake up enough to shower, dress, and drive out to meet up with Heather for coffee and conversation a few hours later. A venti frappaccino helped with the waking, slowly feeding Nny caffeine through a straw.

The main topic choices presented were religion or personal history. Nny opted to hear the story of personal history as he was not awake enough to talk religion. Eventually, after the personal history was shared, Nny was awake enough to mention politics, but not feisty enough to push any buttons. That didn't happen until an online chat last night.

As they were about to part ways, she for work and Nny for nowhere in particular, Nny started receiving texts regarding his deletion of, well, everyone from his Facebook friends list. Apparently some people took it personally and would have wanted an email saying something like "F facebook! Catch you on text". So Nny had that textual discussion from the shade of his car still parked at the bookstore.

Hunger beckoned. Nny persuaded himself to get a caesar side salad from Wendy's. Last week when they changed the other salads around, they also changed the caesar side. The new dressing and croutons are enjoyable, but the change from shredded to chipped cheese and the substitution of cherry tomatoes in place of the bacon bits were not a good switch taste-wise.

Eventually Nny headed back to the apartment, had chicken tenders and potato smiles with Becky while they played a couple of games of Magic.

Midnight rolled around and Nny crawled onto cot unable to keep his eyes open any longer. About two hours later Nny woke up to hearburn and had an online conversation with Heather. This is when he pushed some political buttons.

Nny wasn't being aggressive about politics, just making the observation that each party could do so much better in nominating candidates for presidency. That we keep having old guy run against charismatic young guy. If both parties would put up a charismatic young guy for a change, then the election results wouldn't be so well scripted. Instead, regardless of the party, as we've seen it swing back and forth a few times in the last few decades, it ends up being young guy versus creepy old veteran who might as well be Herman Munster. At least that's the comparison Nny made last night. Thing is Herman Munster had some personality. So they might as well be Frankenstein's monster. Just a scary looking automaton cobbled together from past political platforms.

But anyways, enough rehashing of politics.

Nny was awoken twice so far this morning. Once, a phonecall in regards to a referral for the army reserves. That task is now completed. The second time, that woke him up enough for this entry to be possible, was the landlord knocking at the door, but not in an angry fashion for a change, inquiring as to when Nny will be moved out. The landlord is alright with Nny moving out over the course of the weekend, which is good for Nny.

Forecast of events for tonight and tomorrow, as far as Nny knows:

Tonight is Dan's game of Scion. Most players will be heading there early to participate in a few games of Magic and some socializing prior to the gaming session. The other couple involved will be arriving just on time, if not late, and then bolting out of there as soon as the session concludes, without bothering to be sociable at all. There's something of a rift between said couple and the couple who is hosting it, and the blame seems to rest on their own delusional shoulders. Their utter lack of trying to repair the breach, most likely due to their inability to see outside of the illusions they feed to each other, shows that they either don't know about it, or just don't care. They're quite self absorbed. Becky won't be able to make it to tonight's game due to going to the 311 concert.

Another twist in tonight's game is that Greg, recently returned from his unfortunate move to Idaho, will be sitting in to watch the game and to play Magic beforehand. The delusional couple have "warned" Dan about how Greg plays. Greg actually plays quite well. Sure, some of his characters have been meant to be antagonistic to the group, but they never overstepped their bounds. Team Sean and Kristy will make diametrically opposed characters that, in all likelihood, should either kill each other on sight, or at the very least not get along for varying reasons, yet somehow end up teamed up together due to the players involved being unable to remove themselves from each other's backsides. Dan has said he is unable to run a game with more than six players, so Nny has opted to allow Greg to take his place while he's off doing army training. The idea is unconventional, but it works with the nature of the game, Scion. For clarity sakes, the game is about the player characters being the children of gods of varying pantheons. Most of this game consists of children of the greco-roman pantheon, with an aztec and a hindi god child thrown in as well.

Tomorrow night Nny shall be attempting to run a roleplaying game, Dungeons & Dragons, with the couples Nikki & Kyle and Heather & Jeff. In Nny's experience, some of his best players have been people who have never played a roleplaying game before because they don't walk into a game with expectations of how things should play out. They tend to actually use their imaginations and think in character. And they usually ask questions, in game, that usually just stump the game master, but in a good way.

Rules questions are inevitable, but expected. Nny intends to keep the rules fairly basic. As basic as they can be for D&D anyways. It's supposed to be about having fun and telling a story, which is something that just hasn't happened with Sean and Kristy being involved in a couple of Nny's games. It's difficult to get a gaming group together. It's even more difficult to get a good gaming group together. Billy and Becky both had to make new characters in Nny's last D&D game because of Sean and Kristy. Kristy was playing some doorstep baby half orc monk because she "didn't want to play a character she'd get attached to". Sean was playing a stupidly evil wizard, even though Nny had said no evil characters. There's well thought out methodical villain types; then there's the just plain selfish I kill it types...

But anyways. Nny should probably rouse himself to further wakefulness, and perhaps go pick up some dice from Kenmore Komics. Although Nny has plenty of dice already, he's thinking that if he picks up each type of die in the same colors, so as to say, "roll the red one," it'll be easier for all involved. Nny should probably also pick up some Mucinex as his cough is still attacking him from time to time.

Ask your doctor if Trepanning is right for you
2010-06-29 @ 5:05 a.m.

Nny had made a few playful comments on Dan's wall post regarding wanting the voices out of his head. The first ten comments were just between Nny and Dan, and they were just joking around. Then Dan's boyfriend chimes in trying to "enlighten" us as to the medicinal and potentially spiritual benefits to trepanning. Look it up for yourself, as Nny does not want to bias anyone on this matter.

Have you looked it up yet?

So the next forty comments go by of Dan's boyfriend trying to show how worldly and enlightened and open to new ideas he is (yet Dan has complained that said boyfriend is far from adventurous in bedroom matters), meanwhile trying to paint Nny as closed minded and naive, and Nny berating this guy for advocating for something as obsurd as drilling a hole in someone's head to increase blood flow in an attempt at altering one's perception as an instant tool toward transcendance.

Fine and dandy. Then some other chick posts on there that Nny is utterly wrong and that trepanning is a legitimate medical procedure, especially for those with cluster headaches. Hmm, Nny's grandpa had those, and sure, he'd bang his head on the doorframe because it hurt less than the headaches, but he never had a permanent hole drilled into his head. A little bit of medication and things were fine.

So Nny attempted to just deactivate his account in the attempt of dumping all the friends, etc. off of his page. It doesn't work like that. So he manually deleted everyone but his cat's page (that he didn't make, mind you) and started from scratch (no pun intended). Unfortunately, due to the nature of privacy settings, he can't even search for several of the people he would like to add to his list again. So, other than at least one of Nny's readers, if they add him again, good. If not, Nny knows where he stands in regards to them.

Yard Sale: Day One
2010-06-27 @ 12:45 a.m.

Nny stayed up late conversating and so didn't make it to the yardsale until after 11am. He only pulled out some military gear to sell off, but managed to make twenty-three dollars from just minor army items.

Around four they packed up the sale for the day, and headed to Pancho's for food and drinks. Nny was a bit playful, what with putting on sunglasses that weren't his without asking and being handed a scarf to put on.

Upon returning to the site of the sale, after a secondary trip for more alcohol, they watched the first two episodes of True Blood.

Other than his cold causing Nny to choke and gag, he had a decent day hanging out with friends. But for some reason, upon arriving home, a wave of negativity overtook him. Not sure where it came from or what to do about it. Maybe sleep will help him.

Nny would like to express his apologies for any grief his negativity may have caused.

Sandusky or Bust! Day Two:
2010-06-25 @ 5:14 p.m.

After an early wakeup, they all got showered and ready, loaded up the car, checked out of the hotel, restocked ice in the cooler, and grabbed muffins, danishes, and fruit juice from the complimentary breakfast.

They headed across the Causeway to Cedar Point proper, got parked, and headed into the gate at a quarter til ten. At ten, when the waiting gates were moved aside, they made the trek back to Maverick, waited only a half hour in line, which set the tone for the rest of the day. Nny put in a parent swap form, so they had an in for two of them to ride again later.

Next ride was Millenium, which was again a half hour wait time, but just after they'd been seated on the ride, they had to exit back into the line because of some spider webs between the cars. So about ten minutes or so after that, they'd removed that train from the tracks and loaded them on the next one.

From Millenium, they made their way to Mantis with only a half hour wait. Then they moseyed over to Iron Dragon. While riding Iron Dragon, they noticed that Dragster was finally up and running. So next stop Dragster.

Dragster had an hour wait time. They were almost to the platform when lighting shut down all the rides in the park. Most people left the line, so they made their way up onto the platform and waited out the storm and rain under shelter. During which time, Dan had at least two updates on Facebook regarding the earthquake.

Another hour later and they finally got to ride Dragster. It was Becky's first time on Dragster, Millenium, and Maverick, but she enjoyed them all.

After that additional wait time, it was definitely time for some lunch. It took quite some effort, what with the wind and all, and some borrowed lighter fluid, but Nny finally got the coals lit so they could have hot dogs. Three hot dogs were just too filling, but they couldn't let food go to waste.

On their trek back into the park, they rode Raptor, Blue Streak, Disaster Transport, Wicked Twister, Corkscrew, Magnum XL-200, Gemini, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, and Mean Streak, all of which were walk ons except Raptor with a half hour wait time or less.

The weather was getting a bit hot and oppressive again, so they opted to ride the water rides. They rode Thunder Canyon and got thoroughly soaked, headed over to Snake River Falls for a further drenching, stood on its bridge for a few more splashes, and headed back to Thunder Canyon for an encore. They'd have ridden the new water ride, but it's not yet open. Deja vu from 2007 when Maverick didn't open until late in the season.

Nny and Becky used the parent swap to hop right onto Maverick. Then the three of them hopped on the train and headed back to the front of the park. Dan and Nny used Sky Ride to shave off another quarter mile of walking. Becky rode it with them earlier in the day, but chose to walk instead this time.

They were getting hungry at this point, but not terribly so, and decided to eat at Johnny Rockets. Big mistake. For three people, their total came to $46!!! Never again. Next time they'll just wait until they get off Point to eat at Steak n Shake or some such.

All in all it was a great time. People who had been confirmed guests bailed, citing finances, but they would have just added so much unnecessary drama to the mix. Heading up a day early was a definite plus over trying to get up early, drive all the way up there, and cram in all the rides. It was just a leisurely two days.

Sandusky or Bust! Day One:
2010-06-25 @ 2:42 p.m.

On Tuesday, Nny, Becky, and Dan departed for Sandusky, for their Vacation with the Coasters trip. They took 224 to 250, without having to rely on a gps device like Garmin to get them there.

After locating their hotel, they headed to downtown Sandusky and visited the metaphysics shop and then Hero Zone, the comic shop. Nny spent far too much money on Magic cards, but does not regret the purchase.

Check in time for the hotel finally rolled around, so they got settled into their room, relaxed in the pool for awhile, showered, and then headed back out.

Next stop was Mona's Pizza, where Nny was disappointed to learn that the exotic toppings such as alligator, rattlesnake, ostrich, and cactus were no longer part of the menu. They played a game of Magic while waiting for their XL pepperoni and banana pepper pizza.

Afterwards Nny showed them the decorative brick wall at the end of a scenic little alley. It doesn't sound like much, but it's quite interesting to look at.

Another brief stop at Hero Zone, then they headed to Ghostly Manor. Nny was thoroughly impressed with the changes they've made since 2007. There are now rooms before entering the Manor proper. Well worth the $11 admission price, which is comparable to any of the seasonal haunted houses, yet Ghostly Manor is year round.

Next stop was Meijer's for food and drink for the next day's Cedar Point part of the adventure.

They returned to their hotel, played some Magic to unwind while listening to True Blood, as the picture wasn't showing on HBO, watched an episode of King of the Hill, and went to sleep.

Utilitarian Soltice. Festivities Pending
2010-06-22 @ 2:20 a.m.

Nny was woken up around 930 in the morning, presumably by the Midsummer faeries.

Around one or two he headed back to cot for a siesta. Around six he roused himself from slumber, and headed out to the laundromat.

Laundry = Chinese food!

After that, Nny made a retail run to trade in ones and zeroes for new shorts, which will be essential for his venture to Sandusky.

Sandusky, ahh, land of roller coasters and adrenaline. The chance for seeking enlightenment during the 17 seconds of the Dragster's journey to the sky (420 feet towards it anyways) and back.

Nny and his travel companions, which are now down to two, shall also be visiting two of the local pizza shops: Mona's, home of exotic toppings such as aligator, rattlesnake, cactus, and ostriche; and Chet 'n' Matt's, home of the King Kong pizza challenge. A 19 inch pizza, two people, two toppings, thirty minutes. If they finish it, they get that pizza free as well as a coupon for another free King Kong. As of 2007, there were only two winning teams.

Also on the list of places to go are a year round haunted house and rollercade, Ghostly Manor, and the local comic shop, the Hero Zone.

Finally, a new entry
2010-06-20 @ 5:32 p.m.

The test entry actually worked for this page, so welcome to more madness from the third person point of view:

What has Nny been up to since the last time we tuned into his life?

*shakes head* It doesn't much matter. Well, a lot of it doesn't. Nearly three years have flown by since our last peek into Nny's mind. And that last peek didn't expound upon the events of that time. As in, the entire Cedar Point summer of '07. It was tumultuous to say the least.

Why, you ask, am I bringing up events from three summers ago? Because the lessons from then are once again relevant. Nny was in an unhappy situation, tried to claw his way out of it with something of himself still intact, and then got clothes-lined by some tart's headgames.

Nny's placed part of himself fully into a chrysalis. When he emerges, he shall be spreading his wings and shaking off the detrius of failed friendships.

Nny is thankful to those friends who are moving further into his orbit, without whose advice, Nny might not be taking recent events in stride.

last entry oR next entry

last five entries:
Nny is withdrawn - 2010-09-23
- - 2010-07-28
Constitution - 2010-07-24
- - 2010-07-11
And the truth will... - 2010-07-05


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-All Johnny the Homicidal Maniac ext are � and tm Jhonen Vasquez.